How can I upgrade to Pro?

Although we work very hard to make sure that our features work very well on our free version, upgrading to Pro supercharges the whole experience!

Created: 12/30/2021 10:39 AM - Updated: 12/30/2021 1:08 PM

Although we work very hard to make sure that our features work very well on our free version, upgrading to Pro supercharges the whole experience!

DCard Pro plans will offer you: 

Unlimited business card scans.

Deeper scans and a lot more processing power to find information about your contacts, as well as, expedited support.

After login, tap on the 3 lines at the top right corner to reveal the hidden menu.

Now tap on the small icon with your name on the left down corner to pop up a menu and click on Plans to upgrade your DCard plan.

Here's a quick video to see how you can upgrade your DCard plan: 

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